

  ‘Good art provides inspirations, brilliant art brings about changes’

Hans Kalliwoda.


The Blindpainters



The Blindpainters Foundation is an Amsterdam based Art Foundation founded in 1994 that produces intervention projects in a contemporary art context with non-commercial aims.
 The manpower behind it is an ever-growing network of people, who not only enjoy immensely the energy released by the projects but also believe that these projects set milestones in the journey of art history.                                                .


The World in a Shell –

polliniferous project


New ‘Concepts of Homes’ are more than ever needed in times of changing climates and mass mobility. WiaS presents an architectural challenge, a cutting edge engineering stunt, a ‘paradigm-shifting-intervention as project-in-the-make at the TUDelft University for Technology (2000-2005) and has been an inspiration source for the tiny and container based house movement.


The glocal

BeeCare Amsterdam


BeeCare Amsterdam develops and implements Bee sanctuaries or bee-protection-zones in inner city neighbourhoods. It is a combination of a social, ecological and educational art project in which visual arts, performing arts, music and scientific research are combined. BeeCare focuses on the relationship between ecological sustainability and social cohesion.                                                .





The europartrain traveled through Europe, dynamically collecting railway carriages from every country to initiate and stimulate the interaction and cooperation between the different European cultures. While the Artists reflected on the present European cultural climate, people on train stations could step into one carriage and by walking from wagon to wagon, they crossed the entire continent without the train being in motion.                                 .